Hashoween 2009!

Man, just when you thought you’d caught your breath from the non-stop onslaught that was Red Dress Week, here comes Hashoween!* Here’s a quick run-through of what’s going on: Thursday Oct. 29th: Cemetery Hash! Hares: Licks ‘Em Young and Just Jarvis. Regular hash “rules” ($1 + 6-pack). Meet at Rosedale Dr. and City Park Avenue at 6:30, hares off at 7.  Park on City Park Ave. – not in Delgado’s parking lot.   Saturday Oct. 31st (Halloween): 2nd Anal Costume Pub Crawl “Hared” by Tidy Bowl Man, Montana Boy Toy and Just Kim. Meet up at Molly’s at the Market … Continue ReadingHashoween 2009!

The 100th Lei’d Hashes of the VooDoo

Wow. I really can’t believe it’s been 100 hashes already. Thinking back through just my tenure as RA makes me think a montage is appropriate, so here we go: Huh. As it turns out, I didn’t feel like sitting down and spending a few hours combing through pictures for you ingrates, so I went with the 30 second solution and embedded a MANtage. I think we’re all the better for it anyways. Okay, enough with that, let’s get down to the issue at had – this week’s hash. Since 100 is a big number, we decided that we needed about … Continue ReadingThe 100th Lei’d Hashes of the VooDoo

VooDoo #99.5 – I <3 the 90's!

Hey guys guess what we have three really awesome people laying trail for us this Thursday in Jefferson and it’s gonna be really fun because not only is it a 90’s theme (’cause hey, it’s the last #90’s VooDoo Hash ever!) which is totally cool because how often to we actually get to wear neon colors and hypercolor and stuff like we did about 10 weeks ago for the 80’s hash but outside of that one too anyways one of the hares is having a birthday so happy birthday IHOV we’re gonna have so much fun I can’t wait to … Continue ReadingVooDoo #99.5 – I <3 the 90's!

VooDoo #97 – Hurricane Tidy Bowl

Hares: Tidy Bowl Man with Oral Impression (beer hare) When: September 3rd, 6:30 pm Where: Chase Bank parking lot.  7129 Jefferson Hwy  Harahan, LA. 70123 Theme: Hurricane Tidy Bowl Hurricane Danny has already come and gone, so let’s give another Danny ( Tidy Bowl Man ) a shot –  come dressed to evacuate!  Hurricanes usually have horrible weather, and lots o BUGS – so bring some spray! Maybe come as an Evacuee, Refugee, or Rejectee! There’s plenty of shiggy in the area, so there may be some on trail – shiggy socks would be a good idea. Trail should be … Continue ReadingVooDoo #97 – Hurricane Tidy Bowl

VooDoo #89 – Put the FUN in Funeral!

Hares: Tidy Bowl Man and Juggling Whore-A-Fist Location: Elysian Fields Ave and Chartres St. (The old Schoen Funeral Home) When: July 9th, 7pm We Will Start at the OLD Schoen FUNeral Home Elysian Fields Ave and Chartres St. It’s been closed, and in a move fitting for New Orleans, is now owned by the New Orleans Rum company. I’d suggest that if you’d rather come as a FUNeral type thing, that might be FUN too because we gotta keep the FUN in FUNeral.  :) Since this is the Dead Celebraties Hash Run, you should come as one of the dead celeb’s and most recent … Continue ReadingVooDoo #89 – Put the FUN in Funeral!