Trail # 392 – The Voodoo Hash House Harriers Time Capsule Project! Pitcher’s Mounds & Scouts On Her
Time is on our mind and we think it’s high time for Voodoo to leave our mark! Come wearing attire from your favorite historical period and bring an artifact you want the world to remember us by when some poor, unsuspecting soul digs this up and immediately gets second degree retinal burns from the shear awesomeness that is the Voodoo Hash House Harriers Time Capsule! Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pk of what you are drinking or more, flashlight, whistle. Date: Thursday, October 16, 2014. 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm GO! Theme: The Voodoo Hash House Harriers Time Capsule Project Hares: Pitcher’s …
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