Trail # 392 – The Voodoo Hash House Harriers Time Capsule Project! Pitcher’s Mounds & Scouts On Her

Time is on our mind and  we think it’s high time for Voodoo to leave our mark! Come wearing attire from your favorite historical period and bring an artifact you want the world to remember us by when some poor, unsuspecting soul digs this up and immediately gets second degree retinal burns from the shear awesomeness that is the Voodoo Hash House Harriers Time Capsule! Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pk of what you are drinking or more, flashlight, whistle. Date: Thursday, October 16, 2014. 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm GO! Theme: The Voodoo Hash House Harriers Time Capsule Project Hares: Pitcher’s … Continue ReadingTrail # 392 – The Voodoo Hash House Harriers Time Capsule Project! Pitcher’s Mounds & Scouts On Her

Trail #391 – Pledge Week! Scouts On Her

Grab your crab boil, ghb and frat paddles, it’s time for pledge week! It’s time to flush out the ranks of voodoo with some new blood boys and girls. We’re streaking the quad!! 6pack or more whistle flashlight high priced Tulane lawyer your bros and sisters Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pk of what you are drinking or more, flashlight, whistle. Date: Thursday, October 9, 2014. 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm GO! Theme: Pledge Week Hares: Scouts On Her Beer Hare: Pussy Whisker? Start:  Walnut St and St. Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118 Pre-Lube: Madigan’s, 800 S. Carrollton Ave, NOLA 70118 On-After: The Boot, … Continue ReadingTrail #391 – Pledge Week! Scouts On Her

Trail # 381 – Second Anal Clitoria’s Secret Fashion Show! Clitoria’s Secret & Scouts On Her

Time to practice strutting your stuff in your lingerie! It’s the 2nd Anal Clitoria’s Secret Fashion Show! So come dressed in your lace, satin and leather and strut your stuff! Don’t let the hares be the only one looking all purty, come join them! **Longer than normal trail A to A++** Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pack or more, flashlight and whistle, water and bug spray are a good idea as well. **if you plan to drink more than 6 bring more and remember to drink what you brought, some folks are non-drinkers or allergic to hops or gluten … Continue ReadingTrail # 381 – Second Anal Clitoria’s Secret Fashion Show! Clitoria’s Secret & Scouts On Her

Trail # 379 – Oh Brother Where Art Thou! Scouts On Her

Oh flour where art thou, You seek a great fortune, you hashers who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek. But first… first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. Mm-hmm. You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell. The hares have gone and R-U-N-N-O-F-T with your beer! So don your overalls, prison jump suits, sell your soul to the Devil, and get loved up and turned into a horny toad! Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pack or more, flashlight and whistle, water … Continue ReadingTrail # 379 – Oh Brother Where Art Thou! Scouts On Her

Trail # 373 – 2nd Anal Life Aquatic Hash! Pussy Whisker, Scouts on Her, Intents to Pee, Kiwiwiwi

 We want you to join our team. The team Zissou team! Get your red caps, your red speedos’ and  your blue track suits ready.  And any interns (Virgins)  you’re willing to  trade  to pirates  for the freedom  of your crew should  we sail through  restricted territory. Your campari to drink with  your crew  or  champagne to celebrate. Whatever you do, don’t lose  your esteban!   Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pack, flashlight and whistle When: Thursday, June 5, 2014. 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go! Theme: 2nd Anal Life Aquatic Hash Hare and Co-Hares: Pussy Whisker, Scouts on Her, Intents … Continue ReadingTrail # 373 – 2nd Anal Life Aquatic Hash! Pussy Whisker, Scouts on Her, Intents to Pee, Kiwiwiwi