The 100th Lei’d Hashes of the VooDoo

Wow. I really can’t believe it’s been 100 hashes already. Thinking back through just my tenure as RA makes me think a montage is appropriate, so here we go: Huh. As it turns out, I didn’t feel like sitting down and spending a few hours combing through pictures for you ingrates, so I went with the 30 second solution and embedded a MANtage. I think we’re all the better for it anyways. Okay, enough with that, let’s get down to the issue at had – this week’s hash. Since 100 is a big number, we decided that we needed about … Continue ReadingThe 100th Lei’d Hashes of the VooDoo

The VooDoo Red Skirt Run 2009

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s that time of year again! RED DRESS RUN Time! Helping to prepare you for Saturday’s red sea of insanity, your hares Fill Me Up and Pastor Bait-Her will be taking you on a run through the Marigny! Meet-up is at Washington Square – on the corner of Frenchmen and Royal at 6:30, and the hares will take off at 7. We WILL be stopping at several bars, so make sure you clowns bring some cash for the bar stops! You still need to bring your $1 and a six-pack ($6 if you just want to … Continue ReadingThe VooDoo Red Skirt Run 2009

VooDoo #92 — Hash Trash

Well, my harriers and harriettes, my socks and shoes are infused with dirt, and my left ankle is bleeding.  That’s right, it’s been another successful meeting of the VooDoo Hash House Harriers!!! Today we had a mystery hare… we wouldn’t find out what asshole was about to lead us astray until we got there.  This fellow decided to conceal his identity because he’s been a backslider who hasn’t attended a hash in about a year! No WONDER he was so ashamed to show his pathetic face!  Who was this puzzling persona, this questionable queer, this mysterious mortal?  It was Tandy … Continue ReadingVooDoo #92 — Hash Trash

VooDoo #90 – Bea and Fill Me Up’s Excellent Hash!

Hares: Just Bea (Virgin Lay!) and Fill Me Up Location: The old Curetons Gym on Metairie Road between Frisco Ave and Woods Ave. When: July 16th, 7pm Put on your hyper color tee-shirt, your neon biker shorts and mini skirt and grab your proton pack (or light saber or Red Rider) and let’s go party like it’s 1999, except how we did back when it was 1989… woah. Maybe we’ll even find out what Willis was talking about. Here’s some totally righteous information on the 80’s if you’re too young to remember. (*ahem* lack-a-80’s hey!) Same old bullshit applies … Continue ReadingVooDoo #90 – Bea and Fill Me Up’s Excellent Hash!