#143 – Video Games

Get your cheat codes out you fat lazy bastard. We’re going Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Select Start on your ass. Break away from your World of Warcraft Lan parties you bunch of wankers. We’re going to be running through the nerd filled dorm rooms of UNO for Game Ovaries’ virgin lay. Hopefully we can find a harrierette near a tit check instead of a princess behind some fire breathing dinosaur inside of the wrong fucking castle. Theme: Video Games Hares: Game Ovaries & TidyBowlMan Start: 6325 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70122-4235 Time: 6:30 … Continue Reading#143 – Video Games

#140 – Let’s Get Off! and see the wizard!

Happy Birthday, Fuck you Dorothy Gale! Oh wait, ding dong, the wicked bitch is dead. Maybe I should tell her my name is Jack. In honor of Judy Garland’s birthday, this week’s theme is Wizard of Oz. Tidy, TWOT and Chum Dumpster can show up as midgets. Get ready to show off your flying monkey ass, also known as a westbank ass, out to Elizabeth’s in the Bywater. We need costumes so slutty that they will make your 16 year old daughter look like a Saint on Halloween. Bring beer not water, and watch out for houses being flooded instead … Continue Reading#140 – Let’s Get Off! and see the wizard!


The owner of the Louisiana Renaissance Festival has invited us to cum run around his campgrounds while drinking luscious BEER the weekend of the 12th! For anyone who hasn’t been there, it’s a great site. Plenty of shiggy and privacy. We’ll have port a potties, beer, a place to camp, beer, a place to run, and more beer! The lake is available for anyone who wants to get wet. Seriously though, if you need the lake to get wet, you’re probably not a good hasher. You’re $40 covers a park donation, food, beer, and gimmies for the hash. Gimmies are … Continue Reading2010 ANAL CUMMING TOGETHER HASH!

# 132 – All I got is the lack of clothes on my back.

This week’s run will be on April 15th. Do your taxes before Thursday you fat lazy bastards. Come to the realization that you received a 2% pay increase, while taxes were raised and inflation went up 3%, so you actually make less money than you did last year. Stop thinking that you should get married, have kids, or buy a house just for the tax write off and start making important life decisions, like making your way to the hash every week. Now is the time to smile and laugh that you can’t even afford the clothes on your back … Continue Reading# 132 – All I got is the lack of clothes on my back.

Hash Trash

If you haven’t been around since the camp out, you’ve missed a lot. Pictures of the wedding hash means Udderly ReTiTulous has to explain to her future horrors one day why Pastor Bait-her thought it was important to run around New Orleans in a white dress and get drunk a day before they celebrated holy mattress monkey. Last Thursday signified the end of their ability to come and go as they pleased, of freely ogling members of the opposite sex, of innocently flirting without repercussion, and of making that monumental decision, “Should I go to the hash?” without first wondering … Continue ReadingHash Trash