#153 – I ♥ the 80s

Love it or hate it, that 80s happened. We had neon clothing, rad sunglasses, jellies, layered shiggy socks, baja hoodies, member only jackets, and hair was abundant everywhere. No worries, if you still need inspiration to dress up for this week’s theme. I got you covered. We’re meeting in the giant field behind Sake Cafe and Houston’s. Before that, we’re pre-lubing at the daiquiri shop next door. Get your Chuck Taylor’s and remember to pump your high tops before trail this week. It’ll be a thriller. On-On, Everything Butt Sex. Hares: Everything Butt Sex, BabyFacial (Born again Virgin Lay), Princess … Continue Reading#153 – I ♥ the 80s

#147 – Happy Birthday! Fuck You!

Babyfacial is turning 39, Lick A Lotta Cock is turning 31 and I, Butt Sex, I’m turning 29. We all made goals to hit before next year. Licka wants a new dildo she can keep to herself this time. Baby is hoping he can look down and finally see a pubic hair, and I’m probably going to finally try and stick it in that other hole for once. All these goals might be asking to much of us.  Quite frankly, we don’t give a fuck. It’s our day, and we’re leading you wanking sausages through Lakeview. We’re changing shit up. … Continue Reading#147 – Happy Birthday! Fuck You!

Hash Trash – Virgins in the Park.

Virgins, Virgins, who’s got the virgins? Virgins hashers, virgins hare. Seven virgins came to this week’s trail and 8 Lays a week popped her cherry laying flour. She might not be a badass cougar, laying flour and going down down, like a pro just yet. At least she isn’t scared and timid anymore, or complains about how much it hurts. As for the hash virgins, one couldn’t handle it, and quit before anyone finished, a second virgin came late. One of the needle dick virgins managed to cut a hole in the slip n slide at beer near. The others … Continue ReadingHash Trash – Virgins in the Park.

#145 – Summer Fling

mmmm……Smells like summer. Time for sun, beer and good sex with someone you know won’t be there for you when football season starts next month. This week’s run is going to be hot, wet, and short. What can you expect from 8 Lays a week and Everything Butt Sex? They’re making a loose promise to leave you with a smile on your face and have your ass pretty sore in the morning. Get your asses out to Lakeview, you bunch of wankers, because this week’s shitty trail is going to be so good you’ll look back at it in your future wishing … Continue Reading#145 – Summer Fling

#144 – Luck of the draw

Get your loaded dice and marked deck of cards out you group of wankers. Even if you have to lie, cheat, and steal, there is no reason for you to leave this hash without getting a little lucky!!!! This week’s run has us meeting up at Blain Kern’s Mardi Gras world in the Warehouse district. You know the place. It’s where that Poseidon Statue is raping that giant gator pass door J at the end of the convention center. Theme: Gambling, luck of the draw Hares: UnderCummer (Virgin Lay?) & Hobo Rodeo Start: Henderson St. & 1400 Tchoupitoulas New Orleans, LA 70130 Time: … Continue Reading#144 – Luck of the draw
