It’s October! Halloween is just one thing on the list

Thanks for a great hash last Thursday. All the north shore virgins are going back to their soccer mom lives forever changed. They have already figured out a rotating carpool schedule, and posted it on their refridgerators. A special shout out goes out to Atomic Dyke from Baton Rouge, for letting us see her goods and letting our visitors from the North Atlantic demonstrate a number 62 on her. One thing I noticed is Voodoo doesn’t have a walking trail, but multiple over achievers showed up in walking cast. Apparently, one too many people are strapping themselves into the sex … Continue ReadingIt’s October! Halloween is just one thing on the list


This year, Tidy Bowl and I decided to do something special for you assholes for the 3rd Black Dress Run – we pulled some strings and made the Day of the Dead land on a Monday! We did this just for you! So if any of you cockbites complain about us failing to reserve perfect weather, just remember that we shifted the goddamn calendar year one day to make this happen. That takes a lot of work – I bet you those bitch-asses at the U.N. can’t even shift the calendar. Fuckin’ recognize, y’heard? If you show up, and you’re … Continue Reading#162 – 3RD ANAL BLACK DRESS RUN!

Hashoween 2009!

Man, just when you thought you’d caught your breath from the non-stop onslaught that was Red Dress Week, here comes Hashoween!* Here’s a quick run-through of what’s going on: Thursday Oct. 29th: Cemetery Hash! Hares: Licks ‘Em Young and Just Jarvis. Regular hash “rules” ($1 + 6-pack). Meet at Rosedale Dr. and City Park Avenue at 6:30, hares off at 7.  Park on City Park Ave. – not in Delgado’s parking lot.   Saturday Oct. 31st (Halloween): 2nd Anal Costume Pub Crawl “Hared” by Tidy Bowl Man, Montana Boy Toy and Just Kim. Meet up at Molly’s at the Market … Continue ReadingHashoween 2009!