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Voodoo Trail #950 – Labor Day Glizzy!! 🌭

Are hot dogs sandwiches? Let’s find out. This trail is all about rewarding yourself for you labor this year with a hot dog. Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, 29th August Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! (Sharp go time) Theme: Labor Day Glizzy!! 🌭 Start Address: St Patrick Playground – 501 S St Patrick St. New Orleans, LA 70119 Hare & Co-hares: iSkank Beer Hare: Can I have a volunteer please? Pre-Lube/On-After: Mid City Yacht Club Dog Friendly: HOT DOGS?? YES! Canine dogs? Probably, but hot canines are not recommended Is a dry bag, shiggy … Continue ReadingVoodoo Trail #950 – Labor Day Glizzy!! 🌭

Trail #949 – Tour de MidCity/BST

Bring: $1 hashcash, whistle, flashlight, 6 pack (glass discouraged) or bevvy of choice! Date: Thursday, August 22 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: Hey there! A Hare was needed for this week so YMBJ + Just James stepped up. No fancy theme but expect a shitty trail through the Mid City and Bayou St John region of the world. Join us before/after for bevys at Wrong iron On The Greenway, or last bastion of hope before sweating our tits off. Start address: 3532 Toulouse St, New Orleans, LA 70119 Prelube/On-After: Wrong Iron On The Greenway (3532 Toulouse St, New Orleans, … Continue ReadingTrail #949 – Tour de MidCity/BST

Trail #948 – New Brew for Voodoo

Bring: $1 for hash cash, extra money for beer stops, beverages (no glass), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, August 15 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: This week, we’re showing some love to new breweries. Bring beverages for Start and Circle, but instead of the usual BN, we’re making two brewery stops. Grab a drink, soak in some AC, tip your bartenders, on-out. Start address: Coliseum Square Park *Race Street Side* – 1708 Coliseum St, New Orleans, LA 70130 Prelube/On-After: Half Moon (1125 St Mary St, New Orleans, LA 70130) Hare: The Iceman Thumbeth Beer Hare: N/A, We will have the … Continue ReadingTrail #948 – New Brew for Voodoo

Voodoo Trail #947 – That Zoodoo That You Do!

HELP!! Some drunken voodoo hasher has stolen the keys to the zoo and let all the animals loose on the potholed streets of New Orleans. The escaped menagerie is running around in their animal print, drinking all the beer, and causing a general ruckus through town. We need your help to find and secure the escaped creatures and return them to the zoo, where you will be rewarded with beverages, songs, and debauchery! Bring: whistle, flashlight and Bug Spray. Beverages (beer, seltzer, non-alcoholic drinks, water) will be provided. Date: Thursday, August 8th, 2024 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: That … Continue ReadingVoodoo Trail #947 – That Zoodoo That You Do!

Voodoo Trail #946 – Ice, Ice Baby

“It is 90000 degrees outside. My air conditioning is on the lowest temperature, on the turbo fan setting. What setting do I need to put it on…POWER RANGER!? This is unacceptable!!” Ooooo it’s hot! Therefore, this hare: Steven with a D, would like to be kind and make a trail with refreshing ICE. What you put in the ice is up to you! What you do with the ice is up to you! There may be ice showers on the trail. There may be ice topped shots on the trail. Hope you like staying cool, because it might get a … Continue ReadingVoodoo Trail #946 – Ice, Ice Baby