Pastor and TWoT say On-On in NYC!
Because we can. RU?
Because we can. RU?
I’m gonna run this hash Only got a dollar and a six pack I-I-I’m twitchy Which way on that whichy Use more fucking flour So wear their granddad’s clothes! And look incredible! What’s YBF stand for? I don’t see no blobs no more! Prelube at Ground Holy, On-after BBG, Between’s a mystery; If you get lost then don’t blame me! So yeah, hit your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, or that back log of clothing you’ve been avoiding for whatever reason. Make it look pimp style, or however you want it to look. It can’t be that hard; it’s a …
Don your wet suits, put on your orange knit caps, and ready your Speedo’s cause Pussy Whisker wants you on Team Zissou. Not ready to join our elite crew of seamen (semen?). Come as whatever water creature you wish. Just watch out for that Jaguar Shark and cum join Pussy Whisker on her overnight drunk! Bring an intern (Virgin!) and come get wet with us! Don’t forget to bring some swimmy shit, cause I really dot want to gt all of you wet. Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pack, flash light, whistle, swim gear and flotation devices. Date: …
Do you have your party pants? What about your rubber boots? The German Sparkle Party returns to grace the Marigny with out glittery presence. Warning: Much like getting wet while sitting in the splash zone at SeaWorld, Showing up to this hash does not guarantee you will be covered in glitter, but it does mean you consent to be. No bitching about glorious sparkles! Bring: $1 (no coins please), a six pack, flash light, whistle and your sparkly self! When: Thursday, May 16, 2013, 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm GO! Theme: Second Anal German Sparkle Party! Hares: ReTARDIS & …
Little known fact that the alternative to “the Jazz FUNeral” was “The Circus”. Now I’m getting my damn circus hash meow, YA HEAR!?!?! I want bearded ladies, lion tamers, trapeze artists, fire eaters, magicians, juggling clowns, Siamese twins and unicycles. I will be available to clown or mime pain some faces at pre-lube. The walkers will not be given a special trail; if you are coming to trail, then do trail. Bring: $1 (no coins), a 6 pack, whistle, flashlight (big red shoes and nose encourage but optional) Theme: Circus Hash Date: March 21, 2013, 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm …
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