#108 Hash Trash

S H IIIIIIIIIII T T YYYYYY T R A I L This weeks circle started out as #96 did – with our 3 hares ( Indickcision, Penis Fly Crap, Just Dave (who was caught!) ) sitting on ice, so I won’t go on and on about the quality of last night’s trail. But the circle. Ohh, the circle ladies and gents. Apparently the hares didn’t feel that the trail was bad enough, so they decided to pick a lousy ON-IN. They decided to cram ~50 in a teeny tiny little wedge of Earth between 9th and Harmony just off Magazine … Continue Reading#108 Hash Trash

VooDoo #104 – Hash Trash

In a fitting tribute to the best holiday of the year (other than Mardi Gras, of course) today’s trail ran us past a haunted house and through cemeteries and desolate back alleys. It was truly a frightening trail because we had Licks Em Young, barely a veteran himself, trying to teach Just Jarvis the ways of the hare. Yet through some miracle the trail actually turned out half-decent! There were even a couple of YBFs thrown in there. Though there wasn’t nearly enough zig-zagging through gravestones and mausoleums in my opinion. It’s not that I like trampling the dead with … Continue ReadingVooDoo #104 – Hash Trash

Not really #100 trash …

I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve been running circle for the VooDoo, but it’s been a good while at this point. Our numbers have been growing – gone are the days of the regular 12 or even 20 person circle. We’re averaging 40 to 50 hashers every week, and yesterday, we blew that away – we had 85 hashers with us last night! And while my voice this morning has gone to hell today from yelling at you chickens last night, I do have to thank you for be such a large and relatively well-behaved bunch – it made … Continue ReadingNot really #100 trash …

VooDoo #99.5 – Hash Trash

Okay, well, I’ve been away for quite awhile but now I’m BACK to make you suffer through my long diatribes about the minute details of every single VooDoo Hash (FML)! Yay. In fact, I was even so refreshed from my hashing hiatus that I was able to earn the rank of FRB tonight! Well, that and there were plenty of new boots eager to bite the falses (losers). Erectiaphobic also drank with me as FBI and Tempur Penis blamed some dog on his DFL status.  No excuses, Tempur.  I know “bestiality’s best” and all, but come on. The trail was … Continue ReadingVooDoo #99.5 – Hash Trash

VooDoo #96 – Hash Trash

Words cannot describe the trail left by our dear hares this past Thursday. What can we say? 2 in the Mouth, 5 in the Hole’s (2Mo5Ho) first trail was about what one would expect from a virgin lay. Couple that with Queef Meter as a co-hare (who has only hared once, and that was with Missionary Impossible) and there’s no need to get into specifics. In fact, all I’ll say is that for the ENTIRE circle, I had each of them sit on a bag of ice, bare-assed. Unfortunately, since things were so messed up, I had to run what … Continue ReadingVooDoo #96 – Hash Trash