Hash Trash – The Mighty 500th

Oh man was it a Smoking Hot Lay in Moblie, AL this weekend. And like most Smoking Hot Lays this one was a HUGE hash whore! It was the 500th! And with 500 lays under your belt we were guaranteed a good gang bang and that it was. Hashers came all across the Gulf Coast to celebrate this whore-tastic event, from Louisiana and Florida all the way to fucking Wyoming. Hashers were cumming, cumming cumming alll day long. TLAM opened this momentous lay with the blessing and then it was every hasher for themselves. There was some rough shiggy on … Continue ReadingHash Trash – The Mighty 500th

Hash Trash #155 – Wet and Wild

Ah Mawwage, I know this hash trash is late but hey, better late than pregnant. I’ll drink for it later. Thursday’s run was in celebration of Skin Whistle and Dry Hole Whistle Blower’s nuptials and man was that a rough, wet lay. It started off at Coconut Beach/West End Park and went seemly well until some fuckin’ Wanker who has yet to be identified yelled “YBF” in the middle of True Trail and sent half the pack off in the wrong direction looking for “true trail.” From what I hear from the Front Running Bastards, the actual true trail had … Continue ReadingHash Trash #155 – Wet and Wild

Hash Trash #153: Mall Rats

The 80’s were back in fashion last night as our misguided hares took us all throughout Metairie. Everything Butt Sex was a huge disappointment as he bailed on our semi-virgin hares, Princess Lay-ya and Baby Facial, and left them high and dry, but Dickie Wongstockings stepped in and helped our hares leave us all physically exhausted and completely satisfied, as a good Dickie always does. The run took us up through Metairie and our hares lead us through a bunch of un-chartered territory last night. For our semi-virgin hares it was a semi-decent lay. But like any virgin, they’ll get … Continue ReadingHash Trash #153: Mall Rats

Hash Trash – I’m naked underneath

Ya know for a Naked Theme, I surprisingly only saw one pair of tits the entire trail (thank you Lick A Lotta Cock, those are some Damn Good Tits). Even Enough Already was covered from head to toe! So last night Wax On Whacks Off and Just Aaron “Eyes up here” took us on a long predictably lay through Mid City and City Park area. I’m pretty sure Whacks off laid a similar trail on his virgin lay not tooo long ago if I remember correctly, that cemetery looked verrry familiar…. but with 8 lays a week who can remember … Continue ReadingHash Trash – I’m naked underneath

Hash Trash – Good Reddance!

For baby jebus sakes, some of you have been hashing for a god damn year. It’s ten fucking words. The song goes like this: ”Roll her over, oh so softly. Gently in the grass…”  Use the Googles for something other than wanking off if you’re still confused. If you missed last night, not only did you miss a cluster-fuck of songs, you missed a flurry of dilapidated red clothing running through and around Lake Vista. The one exception would be Lick a lotta Cock beer haring in an all white dress. Like all good TWOT, the run was short and fun. … Continue ReadingHash Trash – Good Reddance!