2011 Campout Registration!

We may not have a venue, but does that mean we can’t get ahead of ourselves and take registration forms? FUCK NO! Fill Me Up assures me we’ll have a location soon (that isn’t trying to screw us in the not-so-fun way ( helloooo, surprise sex! ) ), but until then, you can download this fancy PDF, type in your info, print it, and bring it to the next hash. Last we had an arrest (almost without a bailing out – Starfish and I had our own little adventure trying to find the jail), so let’s hope this year is … Continue Reading2011 Campout Registration!

#178 – Cuntry Dirtay South

Ya herd? I really didn’t know to think when T.W.O.T. told me this week’s theme was the Cuntry dirtay South. So I did what any white, middle class, male, computer programmer would do. I looked it up on UrbanDictionary.com Dirty South – Where the best comes from. Where they get crunk at. Where the thickest girls come from. Where the sexiest accents come from. Them Sexi girls rep that Dirty South, 511 ward! The Dirty South, Baton Rouge, goes hard! (I changed Texas to 511 in the definition because I find Texas to be personally offensive) know what I’m talkin … Continue Reading#178 – Cuntry Dirtay South

You’ve got a friend in me…

I’m not talking about my scary pink vibrator. But I do need some man juice injection right now. I’m talking testosterone!  Anything that can lessen my emotionally sensitive side will make this news delivery palatable. Inevitably, the news is about about our favorite hasher, Chopenis. This buddy of mine is a very magnetic, fun loving, athletic guy that started hashing with us last summer and was always fun to be around. Good things happens when you move to the Big Easy and especially when you celebrate your birthday with us.  In a couple of weeks, however, Chopenis will be undergoing … Continue ReadingYou’ve got a friend in me…

#175 – You’ve been pwned

Before you read about this week’s hash info, click on the best clip on the internet. OK, now…Comic Con is in NOLA this week. Don’t sit on your ass and be all alone and sad like Neo or Ted. Put on your robe and wizard hat and get out to the hash this week. It’s a geek theme. The stakes are high this Thursday. 1000’s of people will have better costumes than anything you have ever thought up. Just Jack; you can fit right in by showing up as Pedobear with those damn sleeves you got. I know those hares … Continue Reading#175 – You’ve been pwned

You’ve been Iced, Baby

My Oh My, how on earth did Texticle Teaser go on hashing/walking for over a year and never laid a freaking trail? Well, the timidness (implying hesitant on this one, that CocoRum-lovin’ gal ain’t shy) wore off as she felt compelled to conquer her first lay in the Lower Garden.  Was her co-hare Dickie Wongstocking rough with her? Considering how hot and sweaty she looked, we reckon so. Sorry, Chum. Was it a shitty trail? It wasn’t shitty but to commemorate the icy theme in this hot ass city, someone had the notion to sit on ice as I quote … Continue ReadingYou’ve been Iced, Baby