More xmas party info

A message from Tidy Bowl Man: By popular demand… and with kindness and consideration to All! We are going to Celebrate Christmas with Ethnicity! So, it is a bring an Ethnic Dish of your choice to share… and perhaps a beverage to match it or AT LEAST something that you like. (B.Y.O.E.) E= Everything that you need… drinks, plates etc. (I will provide some, don’t count on many) I will also bring some wine/beer. YOU SHOULD TOO! HINT, HINT, HINT. If you don’t Celebrate Christmas, you are certainly welcome, don’t be silly! I don’t care what you celebrate, just celebrate … Continue ReadingMore xmas party info

New Hare-Raiser

Hear ye, hear ye! Your favorite delicious Gravy here. I’m taking over hare-raising duties for Eyes Up Here, for an as of yet undetermined length of time. If you are interested in haring, PLEASE e-mail me at Tell me when you’d like to hare, and your co-hare (if any). You can see the open dates on our calendar (located on the right side here). A few days before trail I will poke you to get the info about theme and a start location. Please note: IF YOU DO NOT SIGN UP TO HARE, YOU WILL BE FORCED TO RUN … Continue ReadingNew Hare-Raiser

Religious Experience

Apparently some of you wankers tick Tidy Bowl off, he thinks that you need some religion. Thursdays hash run… Think Priest! Religion, start wearing purple and praise Ezekiel!  Or if you want to come dressed as Lions, that works too. I suspect that Second Cumming will be in his usual “attire.”   Hare: Hi Priest: TidyB Need A beer Hare!  any takers? Theme: Religion, Royalty, Buddha Location: 1800 Block of Tulane Ave @ N. Roman, across from St. Joseph’s Church 6:30 show, 7:00 go, Bring a whistle a flashlight, a dollar, and a 6 pack

Voodoo Monkey info

Holy shit in the mouth hashers! It’s finally here! For everyone who came to me and said… “Here is $20, but what the fuck is a Voodoo Monkey??” Well, the wait is over. I’m not going to string anyone along anymore! Well, I’m not going to string anyone as far as the Voodoo Monkey is concerned anyways. We have beer. We have t-shirts. We have beer. We have patches. We have beer. We have brass monkeys. Did I mention we have beer? We have 2 pub crawls and 2 hashes for Voodoo Monkey weekend planned! We have 111 hashers who … Continue ReadingVoodoo Monkey info

#202 Running with Blue Balls

Do you have Balls??  Are they Blue?  Well Mr. Testis does, and he’s looking to lay his virgin blue ball lay with your lovable BumbleTard and Eyes Up Here.  WTF, blue balls? Mr Testis? What the hell are you talking about??  Well here’s the skinny: In celebration of the up and coming San Fermin Running of the Bulls New Orleans style Mr. Testis (the official mascot of San Fermin) decided to come into town to check out the local culture before this weekends festivities.  Be there BITCHES!  There’s going to be lots of BALLS some of which might be BLUE!! … Continue Reading#202 Running with Blue Balls