VooDoo #91 – Life’s a Be-ach, Then You Die!

Hare: Skin Whistle with Dry Hole (Virgin Lay!) Location: N.O. Surf Shop, 7722 Maple St. New Orleans, LA 70118 When: July 23rd, 7pm Grab your bikinis, and get ready to run! This beach-themed hash is Dry Hole’s Virgin Lay, and she’ll be doing it in a bikini! Fellas, this is no excuse either – so grab your old lady’s bikini top (preferably while she’s wearing it) and get going! Standard fare applies – $1 and a six-pack, bring a whistle and a flashlight.

3 More Named!

Awww, shit. Named hashers in the hizoooooooooooouse! Sorry about that, I promise it won’t happen again. I … I just don’t know what got over me. Oh, wait, yes I do – last night was a Hasher Naming Extravaganza! Ladies and gents, please allow me to re-introduce you to: Just Bea, now known as Udderly ReTiTulous: Just Brian, now known as Chum Dumpster: And, Just Olin, now known as Queef Meter: Here’s to fellow hashers, fellow hashers, fellow hashers …

VooDoo #90 – Bea and Fill Me Up’s Excellent Hash!

Hares: Just Bea (Virgin Lay!) and Fill Me Up Location: The old Curetons Gym on Metairie Road between Frisco Ave and Woods Ave. When: July 16th, 7pm Put on your hyper color tee-shirt, your neon biker shorts and mini skirt and grab your proton pack (or light saber or Red Rider) and let’s go party like it’s 1999, except how we did back when it was 1989… woah. Maybe we’ll even find out what Willis was talking about. Here’s some totally righteous information on the 80’s if you’re too young to remember. (*ahem* lack-a-80’s hey!) liketotally80s.com Same old bullshit applies … Continue ReadingVooDoo #90 – Bea and Fill Me Up’s Excellent Hash!

2009 New Orleans Running of the Bulls!

This Saturday morning, come run with the bulls and spread the gospel of VooDoo! If you’ve missed the past two bull runs, you’ll want to make sure you go this year. Like many VDH3 hashes, this event is themed! You should wear the traditional all white clothes with red sashes, just like if you were in Spain for their traditional bull run. The event starts at 6:30am at the the Three Legged Dog on the corner of Burgundy and Conti in the French Quarter, and the run starts at 8am sharp! The bulls are none other than the Big Easy … Continue Reading2009 New Orleans Running of the Bulls!

VooDoo #89 – Put the FUN in Funeral!

Hares: Tidy Bowl Man and Juggling Whore-A-Fist Location: Elysian Fields Ave and Chartres St. (The old Schoen Funeral Home) When: July 9th, 7pm We Will Start at the OLD Schoen FUNeral Home Elysian Fields Ave and Chartres St. It’s been closed, and in a move fitting for New Orleans, is now owned by the New Orleans Rum company. I’d suggest that if you’d rather come as a FUNeral type thing, that might be FUN too because we gotta keep the FUN in FUNeral.  :) Since this is the Dead Celebraties Hash Run, you should come as one of the dead celeb’s and most recent … Continue ReadingVooDoo #89 – Put the FUN in Funeral!