Pre-lube tonight at Parlay’s Finn McCool’s

Apologies to Hobo for moving the Pre-lube to Parlay’s earlier. Nothing malicious, just thought it was easier to drink before we drink three minutes from start of the run instead of a different part of the city, but my fuck up is causing a lot of confusion so, everyone goto Mid-city at 5! I couldn’t think of anything witty to tie in throwing up a link of the Saints going to the Superbowl and the Who-Dat Nation with a Pre-Lube tonight. So, just watch these videos to get pumped about this weekend and get to Mid-city after work today (5ish) … Continue ReadingPre-lube tonight at Parlay’s Finn McCool’s

#115 – … And A Hashy New Year!

Hobo’s having a party!  That’s right, little wankerlings, she expects you to spend your New Year’s Eve in Mid-City Hashing with the Voodoo, with beer, booze, a plethora of snackies, and FIRE to follow. “FIRE, you say, Hobo?” “Yes.” The Hash is an annual prelude to the lighting of the Mid-City Bonfire at Midnight on New Year’s Eve (a brisk ten minute walk from the house, if that).  So, avoid the shitty disaster that will be the Frat-Boy-laden French Quarter the day before the Sugar Bowl, and bring (six of) your favorite post-Hash tipples, that sweaty dollar you earned at … Continue Reading#115 – … And A Hashy New Year!

Orphan Christmas at Dickie Wongs’

ATTN: New Orphans If you’ve got no family in town or just want to disown them due to the embarrassing “he peed sitting down until he was 13” story, come to my house for our own Christmas. We can unwrap the FedEx and Amazon wrapped presents you either got from your weird uncle or bought for yourself. I’m not going to be cooking, but I will probably grab some finger sandwiches or some crap from Wal-Mart. Feel free to bring something to eat, but food isn’t really ever a priority at my house so it’s every man for himself. But, … Continue ReadingOrphan Christmas at Dickie Wongs’

Thanks a TWOT!

Another week, another naming. We pulled in Just Barbie, Just Teeny (Christine), and Just Kim to get named, but the cold kept us from braining very good, so we only named one of these bitches. So, Just Teeny, COME ON DOWN! From here on out (and on-on to Europe in a few days), let it be known that Just Teeny Is to be known as Teeny Weeny On Top (TWOT)!   And just as an aside, I was going to post up a photo of TWOT in her britches, but you couldn’t see her face. Well, I guess I shoulda … Continue ReadingThanks a TWOT!

Roses are Red…

Violets are Blue. This post is really late, so bite me and fuck you. I can’t believe I forgot to do this, but last month during S4G’s (Spermin’ for Germans) going-away party, we named Just Rose mere hours before she was due to hop on a plane and head back to the Fatherland. In retrospect, maybe throwing a bunch of white powder on someone about to walk into an airport was a bad idea. Meh. Anyways, when she returns, make sure you call her Five Dolla Schatzi!   FYI – “Schatzi” is a German term of endearment – like “dear” … Continue ReadingRoses are Red…