Trail #854: The Men’s FIFA World Cup

Every 4 years, the world gets together to engage in some sports-washing bullshit. This is your yellow card to get your ass to the Voodoo Fifa World Cup trail. Whether you’re foreign, played as a kid, or you’re fancier than most Americans, it’s time to show your appreciation for the world’s game. Date: Thursday, December 1st Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: The Men’s Fifa World cup – wear soccer gear or rep your favorite country Bring: $1 (no coins); a vuvuzela, a 6-pack of Bud-Zero (glass discouraged), whistle, BRING A HEADLAMP/FLASHLIGHT just in case, and soccer/shiggy socks. Start Address: … Continue ReadingTrail #854: The Men’s FIFA World Cup

Trail #854: Voodoo Hashgiving!

Come and celebrate a Hashgiving with your Voodoo family! In addition to trail, we will be feasting and celebrating our friendship with a pot lock Thanksgiving at We Knew About The Penis and Singer Schlongridher’s house. MM will be providing a whole lot of beer. Schedule: Trail is 1:30 show, 2:00 go. It will be a beer mile. Meal will begin at 3:30. Other details: Dinner will be potluck style. If you are joining for dinner, look at the following to see what other people are bringing: Then, decide what you will bring and fill out the following form … Continue ReadingTrail #854: Voodoo Hashgiving!

Trail #853: Life Day

A longstanding Wookiee tradition, Life Day celebrates the values and tenets of Wookiee culture, including family, joy, and harmony. While Life Day is a celebration traditionally held on Kashyyyk and observed by extended Wookiee families, Wookiees throughout the galaxy still mark the day. Here on Earth we remember it with the truly spectacular travesty that is the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special. So bring your red robes, your glowing orbs, flannels, beards, Wookies, pet smugglers, snarky robots, or maybe even a hammer with which you intend to destroy the original master recording. (If you come to the backyard on-after please … Continue ReadingTrail #853: Life Day

Trail #852: Cupcakes and Shots

November 10th is both National Vanilla Cupcake Day and World Immunization Day. This is relevant because your hare is a pretty good baker, and she spent most of October with her lungs full of glue because she didn’t get her flu shot early enough. So, come for your best chance to snag the hare in ages, stay for the shot-infused cupcake stop. Also, get your flu shot (but not at trail). And your COVID booster (again, not at trail). Date: Thursday, November 10 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Start Address: Lafitte Greenway at N Rocheblave St (2500 Lafitte Ave, 70119) … Continue ReadingTrail #852: Cupcakes and Shots

Trail #851: Halloween Hangover

Halloween is over. Now get back to work, peasant! You may no longer give candy to stranger’s kids while dressed up as Throat Goat (aka Nancy Reagan). You will march from the start of trail to receive beer rations, which will be withheld if you have not created sufficient value for shareholders. Acts of rebellion, such as wearing a costume, will be met with swift and unforgiving punishment (wear a costume). Theme: Halloween Hangover Start Address: Upperline street, just below Freret, near the empty lot Hare & Co-hares: We Knew About the Penis Beer hare: MILF Pre-Lube: Another Bar On-After: … Continue ReadingTrail #851: Halloween Hangover