Trail #859 Green Card Party

Friends, I am happy to announce that I am finally here as a permanent resident. To say thank you for your gracious hosting, I have put together a classic French Quarter trail with some twists. Theme: Green Card Party Start Address: Armstrong Park. St Philip St and Rampart Hare & Co-hares: i(ce)Skank Beer hare: ? WE NEED A BEER HARE Pre-Lube: Black Penny On-After: Cosimo’s Dog Friendly: Mostly around the quarter Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 4/5 miles runners, turkey-eagle splits

Trail #858 Old Long Synners

Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, 12/29/2022 Time: 6:30pm Show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: Old Long Synners Start Address: 1505 Amelia St. Nola, 70115 Hare & Co-hares: Woody Poke Her Beer hare: Scuba Steve Pre-Lube: Mayfair Lounge On-After: Mayfair Lounge Dog Friendly: trail yes, bar no Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? LIGHTS, WHISTLES Approx. -l-l-l–> length: (does not include YBFs or actually solving checks) 2.69 mi, walkers follow trail Trail is A 2 Aish


Much like the Maccabees were victorious over Antiochus, Voodoo shall be victorious over the ARCTIC BLAST COMING OUR WAY with a short and sweet trail celebrating a great miracle. Join your favorite Jew Crew for trail (and come see a surprise special guest!!), then come play some dreidel, drink some He-brews, and be merry on hallowed ground (by that I mean Holy Ground, duh). Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, oil to burn 8 days and light your way Date: 21 December 2022 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: HANUKKAH HASH Start Address: Intersection of Norman C. Francis … Continue ReadingTrail # 857 HANUKKAH HASH

Trail #856: Happy Howlidays!

*PLEASE NOTE THAT TRAIL IS PART OF THE PARTY TONIGHT! Check out the official Voodoo Holiday Party & Trail 2022 event for more of the sweet deets Need Hares: 1/5 1/12 1/19 Come dressed in your finest holiday &/or wolf attire and get ready to howl at the moon for the 5th anal Wolfberry trail at Voodoo’s Hashy Holiday party! AWOOOOOOOOO!!! This short but sweet romp through uptown will take you by holiday lights to get you in the spirit and help you work off the buffet before we return to Snake’s to finish Voodoo’s bar tab! Date: Thursday, December … Continue ReadingTrail #856: Happy Howlidays!

Trail #855: Supernova!

Another trail in Mid City, you say? Yes, because we found a lights festival that actually wants us there! Join us for a lusty jaunt around the neighborhood and some time to play with Quesa-did-her’s light art installation at the (free!) Greenway Supernova festival. Date: Thursday, December 8 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Start Address: Easton Park (3141 Toulouse St, New Orleans, LA 70119). Meet at corner of N. Lopez and Toulouse. Hares: The Iceman Thumbeth and Full Facial Beer hare: TBD Pre-Lube: Supernova on the Greenway (Fest starts at 5 PM, BeauSoleil and Michael Ducet are play at 6 … Continue ReadingTrail #855: Supernova!