Trail #879: The Iceman Runneth

It’s that trail where Iceman signs up to hare at the last minute so we’re having it in Mid City, dammit, she lays tricky to compensate for being slow, we have Circle in some weird, abandoned lot, and then we all go stink up the Evangeline Lounge. Bring: $1, beverages (no glass), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, May 25 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: The Iceman Runneth Start Address: Lafitte Greenway Trailhead at St. Louis and N. Alexander (map to 523 N Alexander St, New Orleans, LA 70119) Prelube: Evangeline Lounge (4501 Toulouse St, New Orleans, LA 70119) On-After: Evangeline … Continue ReadingTrail #879: The Iceman Runneth

Trail # 878: Half Barathon

We did the math. 6 miles is too ambitious to run for beer so we’re lowering those expectations with a half barathon. Celebrate the event where you run for your beer by running and drinking beer. (Or a seltzer, we don’t judge.) Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, 4-18-23 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: Half Barathon Start Address: 4877 Laurel (Wisner Dog Park) Hare & Co-hares: Oh Brother Where Cum Towel and Scuba Steve Beer hare: TBD Pre-Lube: Grit’s On-After: Probably Grit’s Dog Friendly: ? Of course. Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or … Continue ReadingTrail # 878: Half Barathon

Trail #877: More Broads for Broadmoor!

Fun Facts: Broadmoor area was added to the National Register or Historic Places in 2003, the area was expanded in 2007. We will be touring the houses so you can expect to see some Spanish Colonial, Bungalows, Colonial Revival, and some eclectic/misc styles. 90% of the structures in the area are buildings contributing to the neighborhood’s register status. Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: More Broads for Broadmoor! (Dress up as your favorite historical female figure) Start Address: Little General (Elizabeth) Taylor Park 3721 General Taylor … Continue ReadingTrail #877: More Broads for Broadmoor!

Trail #876: Star Trek

May the fourth be with you! Since this week’s trail falls on 5/4, the theme, obviously, will be Star Trek. Have Scotty beam you up a six pack and set your phasers to stun. Trail is going to be highly illogical, so you’re going to have to try really hard. Better yet, follow the sage advice of Jedi Master Spock and try not. Do or don’t do. There is no trail. Live long and prosper and may the force be with you! Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, May 4th Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! … Continue ReadingTrail #876: Star Trek

Trail #875: Slutty Outfits

Clothes are not consent! April is national Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), so let’s strut our sluttiest outfits down Tchoupitoulas to spread awareness. This trail will be a cross between a bar crawl and a traditional trail. There will be two PAY AS YOU GO beer checks. You can still run and solve trail. You can choose to walk and wear something sexier without worrying too much about chaffing. I will have the “Got Consent” buttons with me again. They $5 each (or more, if you’re feeling extra charitable) and every bit goes directly to RAINN. RAINN (Rape, Abuse & … Continue ReadingTrail #875: Slutty Outfits