Trail #889: 1st Analish Puddle Pirate Hash

Arrrggggh U Ready to pillage and plunder Mid-City? Cum celebrate the 233rd Birthday of the United States Coast Guard! Wear clothing sparingly, as the temperature is expected to be 95°F at GO, but will feel like 108°F. DRESS UP AS A PIRATE OR WENCH YOU MAY WIN A PRIZE. If you do not dress like a Pirate or Wench we’ll plunder yer booty! You’ll run 5 miles down the mighty City Park waters while drinking the finest grog we could get on the cheap. So get your scally wag asses out with your best Pirate gear for some shots, sight … Continue ReadingTrail #889: 1st Analish Puddle Pirate Hash

Trail #888: Eighters Gonna Eight Eight Eight…..

Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate. And Eighters gonna eight eight eight…. Hashers gonna hash hash hash hash hash? We all know Tay loves a good double date/double number/numerical alliteration, so who better to celebrate this numerically special hash with. Watch out for easter eggs. Just say no to Jake Gyllenhaal. Swallow a bug while mic’d up. Date someone with the same first name with you then become besties with them and their future wife also with the same first name as you bc why the fuck not. Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, … Continue ReadingTrail #888: Eighters Gonna Eight Eight Eight…..

Trail #887: Moon Landing Hash

In 1969, we landed on the moon. Nice. Decades later, one brave Trash Hasher had the vision to wonder if we could hash on the moon starting Luna H3. Finally, Scuba and Flash will answer what it will be like to plant you flag on the moon. Probably. Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight Date: Thursday, July 20th Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: Moon Landing Hash Start Address: Saturn Bar (3067 St. Claude) Hare & Co-hares: Flash Cans and Scuba Steve Beer hare: Woody Poker Pre-Lube: Saturn Bar On-After: Saturn Bar Dog Friendly: Maybe? Depends how … Continue ReadingTrail #887: Moon Landing Hash

Trail #886: The Westbank Invasion

Dr. Who visits Algiers Point. Use your sonic screwdriver, er-whistle, to battle your way through the westbank. You may even find signs of a brave companion along the way. Get back the Tardis in a timely fashion or face being stuck across the river forever. Bring: a 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, and flashlight Date: Thursday, July 13 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: The Westbank Invasion Start Address: 200 Pelican Avenue, New Orleans, 70114 Hare & Co-hares: Just Cat, Whordini Beer hare: Just Jaicee Pre-Lube: The Crown and Anchor On-After: The Crown and Anchor Dog Friendly: Yep Is a dry … Continue ReadingTrail #886: The Westbank Invasion

Trail #885: Freedom and Other Important Things

Another year celebrating freedom. Fireworks. Wow. This is, um, great. Bring: a 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight, identity crisis, a healthy skepticism of the current state of American democracy (Succession references a plus), your stockpiled gold, and the codes to your underground bunkers (you know who you are and, more importantly, we know who you are so share that shit) Date: Thursday, July 6 Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO! Theme: Freedom and other important things Start Address: 6701 N Peters St, Arabi, LA 70032 Hare & Co-hares: Petrified Wood, Shitler’s List, Mr. HEd Beer hare: Yes Pre-Lube: Old Arabi Bar … Continue ReadingTrail #885: Freedom and Other Important Things