It’s time for some holidaze schmoozing as we close out 2024!
Join Voodoo H3 from 7-10pm on Wednesday 12-18-24 in the Crow’s Nest at Mid City Yacht Club (private event room located up the stairs in the back courtyard, no need to worry about the weather)! Come dressed in your holiday finest or your ugliest sweaters as we socialize, enjoy some appetizers, and get into the festive spirit.
Don’t forget to bring a vessel for the White Elephant Gift Exchange! Details about the White Elephant Gift Exchange from your host, Iceman Thumbeth: “The White Elephant will be a little different this year. Instead of any old awful gift, we are specifically exchanging awful drinking vessels. Wrap up a terrible coffee mug, a stupid water bottle, a poorly designed Mardi Gras cup, a tragic pint glass, an intolerable shot glass. Watch an unlucky hasher drink out of it for the rest of the night. The worse the better, truly. That’s how we do at Voodoo.”
We will be holding voting for MisManagement erections and giving out Hash Awards at the party, so don’t miss it! …However if you do need to miss it and would like to vote, please reach out for a ballot by 7pm on 12/18. More info on Erections below!
VOTING: To vote, you must have 10 runs with Voodoo H3 since January 1st, 2024. See your run counts at
NOMINATIONS: Nominate yourself or others (*they must agree to the nomination*) for the next MisManagement term (January 1, 2025 until June 30, 2025) and GM term (January 1, 2025 until December 31, 2025).
To run for MM, nominees must have at least 25 runs with Voodoo H3 and 10 of those runs must have occurred since January 1st, 2024. In the event that positions are not filled with nominees that meet these requirements, MM will open positions up to other nominees. We encourage new members to get involved with MM and lead Voodoo H3 as it goes into the new year, so if you’re interested in MM, let us know!
To run for GM, nominees must have served at least one term on MM, have at least 10 runs since January 1st, 2024 AND have their nomination approved by a majority of the current members of MM.
Open Positions/Descriptions
General MM Responsibilities:
Ensuring that Voodoo H3’s trails/events run smoothly, including managing situation(s) involving disruptive behavior, law enforcement interactions, etc. that may occur at these events.
Ensuring the kennel’s casket (cooler) is at trail every week. Ideally, the current week’s Beer/Beverage Hare should coordinate handing the casket off at the end of trail to the following week’s Hare(s).
Ensuring the Snack Kitty is adequately supplied and brought to trail each week.
GM aka Head Priest(s) &/or Head Priestess(es): manage the kennel with help from the rest of MM, responsible for kennel bank account/Payment Apps – maintain records for all payments/transactions involving the kennel, and oversee any official paperwork involving the kennel. GM’s take lead on major kennel events and are site admins for the Facebook and Hashrego page, they are generally tasked with creating event pages as needed. The term length for GM is one year to ensure continuity of experience and knowledge over a longer period of time, please make sure you are committed to this timeframe before agreeing to run.
GM Nominations (2 Vacancies):
Quesa Did Her, Iceman Thumbeth, Scuba Steve
Religious Adviser: bless the hare(s), present Chalk Talk at the beginning of each trail, and make sure that visitors and virgins understand what’s going on. The RA will keep track of time at Beer Near so the hares leave in a timely manner and before Circle so trail doesn’t end too late. RA’s do not need to attend trail every week and work as a group to ensure there is an RA for trail each week. If you are interested, we encourage you to talk to current RA’s to get a good understanding of the position as well as guest RA to get some practice in.
RA Nominations (4 Vacancies):
Cheap Throat, iSkank, THAT One, We Knew About the Penis, Steven with a D
Haberdasher: handle the design, procurement, warehousing, merchandising and vending of items of apparel and other merchandise to the hash. The Haberdashers will keep track of all data files (such as logo images), receipts and records (so we know who we used in the past) and Hab expenses. Hab is not required to be at trail every week but ask that hab tries to come to trail at leat once a month. Hab will also coordinate online sales including reviewing Hab emails, processing payments and mailing merchandise.
Hab Nominations (1 Vacancy):
Just a Lil PP
Hash Cash: takes trail attendance, collects hash cash, enters the trail info and participation into the VoodooStats database in a timely manner. Using the database, Hash Cash is responsible for keeping track of and handing out awards when hashers hit the required number of runs and/haring. Hash cash also put together the necklaces for newly named hashers. Hash Cash does not have to be at trail every week, if you can’t make it, let MM know so someone can fill in that night. Also,, HC would give cash collected to the GM’s to deposit.
Hash Cash Nominations (1 Vacancy):
HareRaiser: makes sure there is a hare(s) for each hash (includes posting the need for hares in advance), posts trail info & other Hash announcements on the website and other social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Strava, MeetUp, etc.).
HareRaiser Nominations (1 Vacancy):
Webmaster: ensures the Voodoo website functions properly and is updated on a regular basis. The Webmaster may also explore adding additional features and/or site improvements to the website as needed.
WebMaster Nominations (1 Vacancy):
Oh Brother Where Cum Towel
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