Voodoo Trail #958 – Remembering Kris Kristofferson

Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack/bevvy of choice (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight/headlamp

Date: Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!

Theme: Remembering Kris Kristofferson

Join Voodoo H3 to honor the passing of legendary outlaw country singer and movie star Kris Kristofferson. Many of Kris’ songs were inspired by his time flying helicopters in Louisiana oil fields. Kris was such an accomplished helicopter pilot and songwriter that he once landed his heli in Johnny Cash’s yard to drop off song demos – including “Sunday Morning Coming Down”. The hit song “City of New Orleans”, performed by the supergroup The Highwaymen, was a bittersweet tale of America’s declining train culture. Kristofferson was an Army Ranger, a Rhodes Scholar, and an outspoken activist.

Let’s cross some tracks, fall prey to our rock star vices, and maybe kill a few vampires a’ la Blade (RIP Whistler!). Dress as your best country outlaw, washed up 70s rocker, or 90’s vampire/raver.

Start Address: Fortier Park – 1399 Mystery St, New Orleans, LA 70119

Hare: Cheap Throat

Beer Hare: Needed!! Could it be you?!

Pre-Lube: Swirl Wine Bar – 3143 Ponce De Leon St, New Orleans, LA 70119

On-After: Pal’s Lounge – 949 N Rendon, New Orleans, LA 70119

Dog Friendly: Turkey trail yes, not allowed in bar but welcome on the sidewalk

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? An eye for the beauty in imperfection.
*SHIGGY SOCKS & FLASHLIGHT/HEADLAMP RECOMMENDED for Eagle Trail (Turkey Trail will be paved)

Approx. -l-l-l–> length: (does not include YBFs or actually solving checks) 3miles Turkey / 3.5 Eagle

Trail is: A to A

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