Trail #938 – Unconventional Hurricane Prep

It’s time for Voodoo to prepare for this season’s hurricanes, and we hashers need some weird things to not just thrive, but to simply survive. Please bring something that would go in the VoodooHash hurricane prep kit, and make it as frivolous, impractical, or Hashy as possible. If you don’t bring something, find something on trail. There will be a show-and-tell during circle. The top 3 best (worst) items get a shot of fireball, or maybe a can of beans or something. *Nothing will be kept; you’ll be taking your items home.

Bring: $1 (no coins); whistle, flashlight. 6 pack (glass discouraged) and your unconventional hurricane prep item

Date: Thursday, June 6

Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!

Theme: Unconventional Hurricane Prep

Start Address: 1038 City Park Ave, New Orleans, LA 70119, Near McDonogh Oak

Hare: Cheap Throat

Beer hare: TBD (Could it be YOU?)

Pre-Lube/On-After: Parkview Tavern (910 N Carrollton Ave)

Dog Friendly: Your dog can be part of the prep kit

No shiggy gear needed for trail, might need some for the hurricanes though

Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 3.5 Eagle/2.5 Turkey (does not include YBFs or actually solving checks).

Trail is A to A

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