Trail #889: 1st Analish Puddle Pirate Hash

Arrrggggh U Ready to pillage and plunder Mid-City?

Cum celebrate the 233rd Birthday of the United States Coast Guard! Wear clothing sparingly, as the temperature is expected to be 95°F at GO, but will feel like 108°F. DRESS UP AS A PIRATE OR WENCH YOU MAY WIN A PRIZE. If you do not dress like a Pirate or Wench we’ll plunder yer booty!

You’ll run 5 miles down the mighty City Park waters while drinking the finest grog we could get on the cheap.

So get your scally wag asses out with your best Pirate gear for some shots, sight seeing, and some booty.

What treasures to Bring: $1 (no coins); Virgins, small treasure chest(cooler) to keep your grog (6-pack, glass discouraged) chilled while at sea (or on the trail), bug spray, whistle, flashlight, booties.

Date: Thursday, August 3
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!

Theme: Puddle Pirate Hash
Start Address: Navigate by Sextant to 5576 Canal Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70124

Hare & Co-hare: BDSM and Farsicle Fantasy
Beer hare: Whordini

Pre-Lube: Homedale Inn Bar
On-After: Homedale Inn Bar

Dog Friendly: trail yes, but be mindful of the heat and consider paw booties. Bar: outside
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? Enough beer/water for extra stops
Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 4.4 ish Nautical Miles!
Trail is A to A!

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