Another year celebrating freedom. Fireworks. Wow. This is, um, great.
Bring: a 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight, identity crisis, a healthy skepticism of the current state of American democracy (Succession references a plus), your stockpiled gold, and the codes to your underground bunkers (you know who you are and, more importantly, we know who you are so share that shit)
Date: Thursday, July 6
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!
Theme: Freedom and other important things
Start Address: 6701 N Peters St, Arabi, LA 70032
Hare & Co-hares: Petrified Wood, Shitler’s List, Mr. HEd
Beer hare: Yes
Pre-Lube: Old Arabi Bar
On-After: Old Arabi Bar
Dog Friendly: Yep
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? Don’t ask what your hares can do for you, ask what you can do for your hares
Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 2.5 (does not include YBFs or actually solving checks).
Trail is A to A
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