We did the math. 6 miles is too ambitious to run for beer so we’re lowering those expectations with a half barathon. Celebrate the event where you run for your beer by running and drinking beer. (Or a seltzer, we don’t judge.)
Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight
Date: Thursday, 4-18-23
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!
Theme: Half Barathon
Start Address: 4877 Laurel (Wisner Dog Park)
Hare & Co-hares: Oh Brother Where Cum Towel and Scuba Steve
Beer hare: TBD
Pre-Lube: Grit’s
On-After: Probably Grit’s
Dog Friendly: ? Of course.
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail?
Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 3.6
Trail is A to A
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