Another trail in Mid City, you say? Yes, because we found a lights festival that actually wants us there! Join us for a lusty jaunt around the neighborhood and some time to play with Quesa-did-her’s light art installation at the (free!) Greenway Supernova festival.
Date: Thursday, December 8
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!
Start Address: Easton Park (3141 Toulouse St, New Orleans, LA 70119). Meet at corner of N. Lopez and Toulouse.
Hares: The Iceman Thumbeth and Full Facial
Beer hare: TBD
Pre-Lube: Supernova on the Greenway (Fest starts at 5 PM, BeauSoleil and Michael Ducet are play at 6 PM). Lafitte Greenway at Norman C. Francis Pkwy (map to 3301 Conti St. 70119 and you’ll be close)
On-After: Pal’s Lounge
Dog Friendly: Trail yes. Festival, maybe, it’s bright, loud, and crowded.
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? No.
Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 3.5 miles
Trail is A to A+
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