Hey Hash Puppies! Let’s do a thing, shall we? The theme is ABC: Anything But Clothes. It’s quite an opportunity to get creative, as there are quite a lot of things that are not clothes. Really! Once saw a guy who’d woven a kilt out of black and red licorice, which was amazing at a house party, but I imagine not so great for a run. Therefore- you’re welcome go all out if you wanna, but shoes and underwear are pretty clutch…So we’re just saying try rocking one or two things that are not clothes. Hot tip: a cucumber can make a fine ABC accessory, and serves as a watery snack as well!
Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged)Whistle, and flashlight. As we’re in the sticks a bit this go round, remember that flashlight or headlamp.
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time 6:30pm show, 7:00pm Go!
Theme: ABC, (anything but clothes, to the degree you’re comfortable)
Start Address: 4557 North Rampart
(Music Box Village parking lot)
Pre-lube: nothing official, but if you walk up the hill to the levee, its a nice view for sunset/moonrise
Hare & co-hares: Just Cameron, Whordini
Beer Hare: Cunt of Monte Pisto
On-after: up to you! Approx 3.8 miles (not including YBFs, solving checks or alien abductions)
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