Trail #787: South of I-10

¡Happy Mexican independence day!🇲🇽 I know it’s a little late 😅

Four months late you say?! No estúpido, Cinco de Mayo isn’t Mexico’s independence day. It was 9/16!

Don’t panic though, it’s still Hispanic heritage month and we’re here to celebrate with our hash gente. We’re gonna take things down south. South of I-10 that is.

We’re celebrating all things Latin/x/a/o. Whether you have a little in you, or you would like some. So go grab some Corona (the good kind) and get ready to have almost as much fun as you would at a 4- year old’s birthday party, that lasts till 2 am. ¡Viva la Voodoo!

Please for the love of Dios, use your best judgment when picking out an outfit. Please don’t be a dick and wear hurtful or straight-up racist shit.

Bring: Approximately 20 Mexican pesos (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight

Date: Thursday, September 30, 2021

Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!

Theme: South of I-10

Start Address: Statue of Benito Juarez – 1200 Conti St, New Orleans, LA 70112

Hare & Co-hares: Roman Showers, PPE

Beer hare: Quesa Did Her

Pre-Lube: Cuñada – 833 Conti St, New Orleans, LA 70112

On-After: Cuñada – 833 Conti St, New Orleans, LA 70112

Dog Friendly: Si

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail?:

Approx. -l-l-l–> length: (does not include YBFs or actually solving checks). 3 miles

Trail is A to A, A to B, etc. – A to A

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