Trail #783: Ida rather drink my beer than run this virtual trail.

Virtual hare: The Iceman Thumbeth and YOU!

Hurricane Ida has blown the Voodoo to the four corners of the earth. If it’s safe for you to do so, join us for a virtual trail on Thursday, September 2nd. If you’re with other hashers, lay a pick-up trail. If you’re not, just run or walk a route of your choosing. Start where you want, BN where you want, ON IN where you want, and post photos, videos, and updates along the way (if you can). Show us all the mischief you’re getting into. Extra down-downs if you go to jail because you forgot you can’t drink on the street outside of New Orleans.

At 7 PM CST, we’ll have a video blessing of the hares/chalk talk with Facebook Live. Come to the Voodoo Facebook group to catch it.

A virtual circle will be held at 9 PM CST on Zoom for those managing to have internet. Click this link to join: The password for the Zoom room is onon. If you can’t make it, know that we’re with you in spirit(s).

In lieu of Hash Cash, please consider donating to Krewe of Red Beans’ Feed the Second Line initiative ( or one of the dozens of other organizations doing great rescue and recovery work in the region.

Lastly, to our friends around the country/world, please feel free to join in. It’s been a rough week and it would be great to see some (clean, happy, energized, well-nourished) familiar faces.

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