Trail #751: Inauguration Inebriation Across the Nation


Come pregame for the inauguration or run off your post inauguration hangover at this weeks trail!  The hare will be laying trail a day early and ensuring marks stay put so you can run anytime Wednesday evening – Friday! Post or send a pic of yourself competing trail to get credit. Zoom meeting will open at 8pm Thursday and Circle will start at 8:30pm. Visitors are encouraged to join the Zoom!


Bring: To Go Boozies,Koozies, & a mask (COVID is real). Also maybe some ice cream?

Date: Thursday, 1/21/21

Time: Trail will be laid by 5pm Wednesday January 20, 2021. The Zoom meeting will open at 8pm & circle will start at 8:30pm on January 21.

Theme: Inauguration Inebriation Across the Nation

Start Address: Palmer Park – 8143 Sycamore St, New Orleans, LA 70118 

Hare & Co-hares: Whordini

Beer hare: BYOB

Pre-Lube: BYOP

On-After: BYOOA

Dog Friendly: Bring the pups! (P.S. did you see the pics from the Indoguration on Sunday?)

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? Flashlight if running at night

Approx. -l-l-l–> length: (does not include YBFs or actually solving checks).  walkers ~3, runners ~4.5

Trail is A to A  


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