Trail # 520 – Christmas Lingerie or Ugly Sweater – Captain Snitchy Pants, Corney Eh Hole, Cum Flush Her, and Just Jess

‘Twas the eve of the eve of the eve before Christmas, and all through the house,
everyone was getting laid, even the mouse.
With Ma in her lingerie and I in my ugly sweater,
I had just settled down to dip in my pecker…
When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from bed see what was the matter.
I threw open the shutters and threw up the sash,
tripped over my beer and busted my ass.
And out on the lawn but what should appear
but a rusty ol’ sleigh, and 8 fucking reindeer.
Out of the sleigh jumped a big, fat pierced dick…
and I knew in an instant it must be St. Prick.
“To the top of the roofs, to the top of the walls,
on-on you bastards before I cut off your balls!”
He came down the chimney like a bat outta Hell,
and I knew for a fact the poor fucker had fell.
He filled the stockings with pretzels and beer,
and a big rubber dick for my brother the queer.
Then he rose up the chimney with a thunderous fart,
that son of a bitch, he blew the damn thing apart!
And he cursed and he swore as he rode out of sight,

“Merry Christmas to all … Fuck you, good night!”

 Bring: $1 (no coins) 6-Pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight

Date: Thursday December 22, 2016 6:30 Show, 7 pm Go

Theme: Wear your Ugly Christmas Sweater or your Christmas Lingerie

Start: Leo Benewell Playspot Corner of Pleasant St and St Thomas St 3232 St Thomas St, New Orleans, LA 70115

Hare and Co-Hares: Captain Snitchy Pants, Corney Eh Hole, Cum Flush Her (Virgin Lay), Just Jess

Beer Hare: Cock-A-Booty Boo

Pre-Lube Location: Balcony Bar

On-After Location: TBD

Dog Friendly?: Keep your bitches on a leash

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? No

Any specific info the pack may need? (shiggy, long trail, water shoes, dry bag etc) Stunt liver

Approximate Length of True Trail: (does not include YBFs, Checks etc) 12 “miles” (12 Days of Christmas too….)

Trail is A to A, A to B, etc: A to B+ish

Separate Walkers trail or Turkey / Eagle split: Social Hunt!!!!

Hash Announcements:
There is some stuff happening the rest of this month, but it isn’t hashy things
Make 2017 a Travel Hash Year! Rego for events and get your voodoo friends together for a Road Trip
January 5th will be MM Installation and Awards!
Feb 24 – 25 Mardi Gras Maddness with NOH3 will be a thing, and there will be Parades this year
Feb 26 Crescent Shiggy Bacchus Bash – As far as I know will be happening on the route – gun shots are extra

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