Trail # 514 – Military Appreciation – Shitty Titties and Sir Yaksalot


Ass-hole, Ass-hole, A soldier I will be!  It’s the Marine Corps 241st birthday and Veteran’s Day eve.  We know you wankers love your military hashers and muggles.  Join your resident veteran hares Shitty Titties and Sir Yaks A Lot for an extra shitty trail through the Garden District.  Be sure to show your support by wearing your skimpiest military attire and accessories.  You may want to show up with a fresh liver as well as there is rumor of libations on trail.  Now…drop and give me 69!  Hooah!

Bring: $1 (no coins) 6-Pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight, a fresh liver

Date:  Thursday, November 10, 2016, 6:30 show, 7 pm go

Theme:  Military appreciation

Start:  Coliseum Square (corner of Camp St. and Race St.) 1401 Camp St, New Orleans, LA 70130

Hare and Co-Hares:  Shitty Titties and Sir Yaks A Lot

Beer Hare: Cock a Booty Boo

Other Hares:  CUMmuter and In The Kitchen

Pre-Lube Location:  Rusty Nail (1100 Constance St, New Orleans, LA 70130)

On-After Location:  Avenue Pub (1732 Saint Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130)

Dog Friendly?:  yes

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? Negative

Any specific info the pack may need? (shiggy, long trail, water shoes, dry bag etc) Negative

Approximate Length of True Trail: (does not include YBFs, Checks etc) 3 miles


Trail is A to A, A to B, etc:  A to A


Separate Walkers trail or Turkey / Eagle split:  Negative

Hash Announcements:

Hareraising for December and January – November 9th at High Noon!

Full Moon Hash – November 11th Start: Duncan Plaza (343 Loyola Ave) 7 pm Show, 7:30 Go $5 hash cash; Wear Camo!

Voodoo Holiday Party – Dec 14th 7 pm @ the Rusty Nail (potluck – so bring a dish) also Hash Erections

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