ATTENTION!! We’ve got Virgins! Hares that is. Virgin Mutha is laying trail for the first time, and Banana Slit is breaking her Voodoo cherry. Everyone cum; its going to be sloppy!
Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6-pack, flashlight, whistle
Date: February 18, 2016 6:30 Show, 7:00 Go
Theme: Virgins Gotta Lay
Start: S St. Patrick St and Baudin St ; St. Patrick Playground 4700 Baudin St New Orleans, LA 70119
Hare and Co-Hares: Virgin Mutha, Banana Slit, Kiwi Wiwi
Beer Hare: Urine Circle
Pre-Lube Location: Mid City Yacht Club
On-After Location: Mid City Yacht Club
Dog Friendly?: Yes
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? Just the usual, A whistle and a flashlight
Any specific info the pack may need? (shiggy, long trail, water shoes, dry bag etc) A dry bag is never a bad idea, but seriously, this is typical urban shiggy.
Approximate Length of True Trail: (does not include YBFs, Checks etc) Less than 4 miles
Hash Announcements:
Biloxi 800th: March 18 – 20th Biloxi, MS
Voodoo Campout: April 15 – 17, 2016, Renaissance Festival Grounds. Rego at www.voodoohash.com!