Trail # 424 – Choose Your Holiday! Saved by the Bush & Dead Cell

choose your holiday
The hares have a fun trail planned — don’t be alarmed that it’s outside of the city! There’s still beer, and running, and flour, and drinking, and singing, and shenanigans. True trail should be about five miles. They hope to see y’all there!
These are your many options for April 16th (according to
 Celebrate Teen Literature Day!
Get to Know Your Customer Day!
National Ask an Atheist Day!
National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day!
National Eggs Benedict Day!
National High Five Day!
National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day!
Save the Elephant Day!
Holocaust Remembrance Day!
National Healthcare Decision Day!
Teach Your Daughter to Volunteer Day!

Bring:  $1 (no coins please), a 6-pack , flashlight, & whistle.

Date:  Thursday April 16, 2015 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go!

Theme: Choose Your Holiday!

Co-Hares & Co- Caddies: Saved by the Bush & Dead Cell

Beer Hare: Just Beth

Start:Tarpon Joe’s

Prelube: Tarpon Joe’s, 2205 David Dr, Metairie LA 70003

On-After: Tarpon Joe’s

Dog Friendly: Yes

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? No


Hash Announcements

Voodoo Kill the Keg Sloshball Day at the Park! April 18th, 10 am. See FB event for more info. Email or post on FB group if you need to be added.

Hash ErectionsApril 30th at the hash, nominations due April 27. Email with nominations.  More details here: Erections Info Sheet

Pensacola RDRMay 29-31, 2015. Rego is up!

New Orleans Red Dress Run – August 7-9 for hashers! Early bird rego starts April 15th- April 30th for lowest price

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