Spring is in the air, and like the animal kingdom, we all got that itch. Garb your self in the color of your choice (remember green means go, yellow proceed with caution, red: stop) and hit the trail to find your Easter bunny! P.s.: using protection will likely help prevent future outbreaks, ya know, for that itch.
Bring: $1 (no coins please); six pack of beer, flashlight and whistle.
Date: Thursday February 26, 2015 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go!
Theme: Stoplight Hash: Three Ways Are Always More Fun Than One!
Hares: Scouts on Her, Jackrophiliack, Douche Baggallo
Beer Hare: TBD
Start: Annunciation St & Lyons St., NOLA 70115 (hareraiser note: don’t park in the CVS lot, they will tow)
Prelube: Grits Bar, 530 Lyons St, NOLA 70115
On-After: Oh you know where
Dog Friendly: Yes
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? No special needs
Hash Announcements
Save the Date: Voodoo Hareraising February 25th at noon! This includes campout prelube trail and campout trails. Available dates from April 1st to 30th. First Cum, First Serve beginning at noon, no repeat hares. Got questions please email voodoohash@gmail.com or post on FB group before 10 am on Wed.
Voodoo Campout 2015 – Rego is up! Price goes up Friday Feb 27! April 3-5 at the Ren Faire Grounds in Hammond. More info here http://www.voodoohash.com/voodoo-campout-2015/
Going to campout and want to help out with trail, planning, ideas etc.? Please email undercummer@gmail.com or voodoohash@gmail.com