Trail #410 – Mardi Gras is a Drag! Scumbaghdad


So it’s that time of year where the partying is more a marathon than race, the booze is plentiful and things get thrown at your cranium on the regular and you are okay with it. Kids and pretty women tend to get the best schwag at most parades but the guys definitely get lucky with the All Female Krewes so come on out in your best drag or Mardi Gras gear and show Muses what you got!

Extra beer is advisable for the on-after parade watching!

Bring:  $1 (no coins please); six pack of beer, flashlight and whistle.

Date:  Thursday February 12, 2015 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go!

Theme:   Mardi Gras is a Drag

Hares: Scumbaghdad

Beer Hare: TBD

Start: Corner of Race St. and Coliseum St, NOLA 70130

Prelube: Half Moon Bar & Restaurant, 1125 Saint Mary St, NOLA 70130

On-After: The Parades after circle (please bring extra beer for parade watching, we will have the coolers)

Dog Friendly: Trail : Yes, Parade: Probably not

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? Negative ghost rider , (hareraiser suggests a bag to throw any parade schwag in though)

Hash Announcements

Save the Date: Voodoo Hareraising  February 25th at noon! This includes campout prelube trail and campout trails.

Voodoo Campout 2015 –  Rego is up! April 3-5 at the Ren Faire Grounds in Hammond. More info here

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