Oh flour where art thou, You seek a great fortune, you hashers who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek. But first… first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. Mm-hmm. You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell. The hares have gone and R-U-N-N-O-F-T with your beer! So don your overalls, prison jump suits, sell your soul to the Devil, and get loved up and turned into a horny toad!
Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pack or more, flashlight and whistle, water and bug spray are a good idea as well.
**if you plan to drink more than 6 bring more and remember to drink what you brought, some folks are non-drinkers or allergic to hops or gluten and can only drink certain things*
When: Thursday, July 17th, 6:30 pm show, &:00 pm Go!
Theme: Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Hare and Co-Hares: Scouts on Her
Beer Hare: TBD
Start: Broad St and Euphrosine (near Times Picayune under the bridge), NOLA 70125
Pre-Lube Location: Rendon Inn
On-After Location: Rendon Inn, 4501 Eve St. NOLA 70125
Dog Friendly?: Yesh (ish)
Dry Bag or Special Gear Needed? NA
Hash Announcements!
Voodoo Monkey IV – Save the Date! November 21-23
Voodoo Happi Coats – Want a nifty Purple and Black Voodoo Happi Coat to put your patches on? We are taking pre-orders now for the next order of coats (we need a minimum of 12) $40 cash only paid in advance. See Under Cummer for more info. (sizes are Asian so definitely try on someone’s to get a good idea of sizing).
New Orleans RDR – August 8 -10th http://nolareddress.com/ price goes up on the 1st of each month!
Alabama Interhash (August 29-31st) https://www.facebook.com/events/284780841684147/?fref=ts
DC RDR – October 11th rego is up on hashspace!
CSH3 Jazz Funeral – Save the Date, October 17-19, 2014
Dropped Pin according to hare for start