Trail # 315 – Life Aquatic Pussy Whisker & Just Kyle


Don your wet suits, put on your orange knit caps, and ready your Speedo’s cause Pussy Whisker wants you on Team Zissou. Not ready to join our elite crew of seamen (semen?). Come as whatever water creature you wish. Just watch out for that Jaguar Shark and cum join Pussy Whisker on her overnight drunk! Bring an intern (Virgin!) and come get wet with us!

Don’t forget to bring some swimmy shit, cause I really dot want to gt all of you wet.

Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pack, flash light, whistle, swim gear and flotation devices.

Date: Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm GO!

Theme: Life Aquatic

Hare(s): Pussy Whisker & Just Kyle

Beer Hare: Meowchwitz

Start: Lafayette Square on the Camp St. Side, 500 Camp Street, New Orleans, LA 70130

Pre-Lube: Voodoo Two, 346 Baronne St, New Orleans, LA 70112

On-After: Indulge Island Grill, 845 Carondelet Street (please bring swim gear, towel etc.  Hash special at Indulge includes $3 domestic draft & bottle beer, $2 Jager shots, $5 for 3 ribs for food and free pool access). Life Aquatic will be playing on the big screen.

Hash Announcements

Voodoo Monkey 3.0 The Amazing Racist! June 21-23! Regos currently sold out and can only be bought from current rego holders. Email for more information or if you need to sell your rego.

New Orleans Red Dress Run August 10th! Register at The earlier you register the cheaper it is.

Baton Rouge Hash House Harriers Tubing Trip June 8 at Tiki Tubing. Message for more details.

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