It is that time of year again! Where you can go lay in the sun, drink all day and play adult games.
Rego is up please go to : http://www.voodoohash.com/voodoo-campout-2013/
Where: The Ren Faire Fairgrounds in Hammond -46468 River Road Hammond, LA 70401
When: Friday April 5, 2013 – Sunday April 7, 2013 (cum Pre-Lube with the Voodoo Hash the Thursday night before in New Orleans!)
What: Camping, Trails, Hash Olympics, Games, Naked Hash and BEER! (a more detailed list of events cumming soon)
Cost: $69 Cash($72.50 if you pay online)
$79 Cash($82.50 if you pay online) after Feb 20th.
$89 Cash ($92.50 if you pay online) after March 20th
Last day to register is March 31st, there will be no registration on site.
Rego covers a weekend of food, beer, and awesome gimmes.
Site has shower and bathrooms.
Registration is capped to 100 people! We reserve the right to refuse entrance to known “problem” hashers (no B&E this year folks!)
Dogs may be allowed on a case by case basis, please contact undercummer@gmail.com for more information.
Any specific questions email voodoohash@gmail.com