If you haven’t heard, Carrottop Cocksucker adopted 2 cats recently and treats them like her own furchildren. Henceforth, this hash is dedicated to all those pictures of cats on Reddit and the kitties of New Orleans.
Bring: Cat ears, tails, catnip, cat food, toy mice, scratching post, laser pointers, flashlight, $1, 6-pack o’ brewskies, whistle, dog whistle.
6:30 show, 7:00 GO! Hash cash might close at Hares Away so get there on time durgnabbit!
Date: 9-27-201
Theme: Crazy Cat Lady
Hare: Carrottop Cocksucker
Beer Hares: Minnie Pearl Necklace and Scarlett O Hogger
Start & Pre-Lube: Cooter Brown’s, 509 Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118
On-After: Little Tokoyo, 1340 South Carrollton Avenue New Orleans, LA 70118 cause the birthday girls are feeling Japanese–so get your karoke on!
Walker Friendly Trail
That is what they all do, when they don’t have money to spend… they adopt CATS. WTF? Spay or Neuter them, please…
I think she might really be a crazy cat lady, after all. LOL