#216 – Bye-bye Summer

I was tempted to title this post, “#216 – Who gives a shit, I’m going to Savannah!” but then I figured that might be a little mean, and I should be kind to the unfortunate souls who are not going to InterAm. Don’t despair; we’ll bring back lots of stories and possibly some bonus STD’s to share with our friends.

Date: Thursday, October 6, 2011

Theme: “Show off them legs!” (And looking at how the weather’s going, it may indeed be the last time you get to show ’em off this season!)
Start: The end of Banks St. by the cemeteries – Banks St. & S. Bernadotte St, New Orleans, LA 70119
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm go
Hares: Tidy Bowl Man and a virgin sacrifice
Cost: $1 and a 6 pack.
Bring: ID, whistle, flashlight, blah blah, y’all know all this by now. I’m not feeling too creative this week because my brain has already clocked out and gone to Savannah.

Love ya, miss ya, see ya next week!
-Swamp Gravy

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