“Since some virgin-haring wankers decided to shoot their load a week early in celebration of the new Saints season, we’ll go on a variation of the theme — this time in the press booth. Grab your sport coats and cranium mikes, ’cause this week’s theme is Sportscasters & Anchormen! Do your best John Madden or Ron Burgundy impressions. We’ll be down in the Irish Channel (Another Uptown hash–GASP!!). Cya there!!” — Jizz Rag
Date: Thursday, September 8, 2011
Theme: “Dress like the Press” (or some semblance thereof)
Start: The dog park at the corner of Constance St & 9th St, New Orleans, LA 70115
Time: EARLY START TIME! 6:15 show, 6:45 go
Hare: Jizz Rag and possibly Cumless if she doesn’t get lost on the way back from Tokyo
Cost: $1 (no coins please) and a 6 pack
Bring: Your ID, a whistle and flashlight or headlamp… Lamp, who said lamp? I love lamp.
Bonus round!
Pre-Lube: The Bulldog on Magazine St, uptown. 5:00-ish.
On-After: We got some choices here, folks–
1. Casa de Nose Candy (3122 Laurel St.) If the weather’s decent and you don’t piss him off by talking in circle, Jizz Rag might grill something for you. The game will be on in the back; bring a chair as well as any grub you want burnt.
2. One of our not-so-fine drinking establishments on Magazine; Balcony, Bulldog or Rendezvous are options.