So, our beloved Bumbletard has been with us for an entire year. We first met him during our TuTus on 2-2 hash. It was only a year ago we were running along Bayou St. John and some jackass yelled “what are ya’ll doing?!?!” Shortly after he ran out of his house wearing a Bumblebee outfit and caught up to us. Unfortunately he’s been fucking up ever since. Still to this day, I don’t think he knows a single song. Even today, 2 days before his inaugural run, the best he can give me for a start location is “a few blocks from Bulldog, in Mid-city.” Maybe the start is at Delgado, maybe it’s at Parlay’s, maybe it’s somewhere on Canal, maybe it’s in right in front of the Bulldog itself. Fuck if I know. I’ll keep ya’ll posted and he’ll drink for it on Thursday!
All the other usual rules apply. 6 pack, $1, and stay away from that Key lime Bud light some wanker keeps bringing.