The trail was cold, wet, and douchey. So we all know what it felt like to be Cold Wet Douche, who in fact was sick and still made it out one of shiggiest trail laid by hares, Everything Butt Sex and Jefferson Starfish. There’s no excuse for the lame hashers who whined about the cold and stayed home. The weather was in the low 30s with icy winds that felt like a million knife cuts and with sleet to follow. The trail felt like we were preparing for Warrior Dash minus the fire jumping part. Let me mentally paint this picture for you of what took place. We were greeted with a 10 foot drop from a muddy cliff and once we hopped down uninjured, the journey got intense. We cursed when we got caught in thorny paths, cursed when we fell (I did at least), cursed when we had to plow through the trail with our 5lbs of mud caked on our shoes, cursed when we almost lost our shoe, cursed when we had to one by one scale a fence to cross over a mini ravine, cursed when we were caught in barbwires, cursed that we had to crawl under fence, cursed when it started raining and cursed when we couldn’t find trail. We would curse more at Everything Butt Sex if he made us crawl through a rank sewer if Starfish didn’t talk him out of it. When it was all over and the incessant cursing ceased, realization sets in. It was one of the most challenging and rewarding hashes to encounter (with the exception of the Lake P swim which only one person and two hares completed). Shiggy trail are few and far between these days since we don’t really have much of a terrain except for obstacles like New Orleans’ potholes and vehicles. Future hares, we dare you to get creative and make sure it’s legal…(a’hem, Zombieland) By the way, Starfish and EBS finally got all of us wet. Great teamwork. On after got moved to Parlay’s and got interesting as some hashers found the diva in them at karaoke night. Oh and this is Eyes Up Here’s idea of representing Wu Tang Clan. Is that a W or a heart?