Hash Trash – Good Reddance!

For baby jebus sakes, some of you have been hashing for a god damn year. It’s ten fucking words. The song goes like this: ”Roll her over, oh so softly. Gently in the grass…”  Use the Googles for something other than wanking off if you’re still confused.

If you missed last night, not only did you miss a cluster-fuck of songs, you missed a flurry of dilapidated red clothing running through and around Lake Vista. The one exception would be Lick a lotta Cock beer haring in an all white dress. Like all good TWOT, the run was short and fun. The hares lead us around and INTO Lake Ponchartrain. It is amazing how when you wade through water no one gets called out for peeing on trail.

Speaking of circle. We upped our police count again. After we explained to the officers that there was only one colored guy in a group of thirty, they left us alone. Since a group of us were already handcuffed, there was no real reason for them to be there anyway. Tidy helped with interference from the 5-0 while the rest of us sang Cum-bay-ah. Eventually the officers left us alone to go stop other evil doers elsewhere in the city. Most importantly, we’re booting off Just Andrianna to Pensacola as the newly named Top Cum.

A special congratulations to TidyBowlMan. With the help of BrokeBack Dyke, he finally found out how to lay his car’s back seat down. It is a pretty helpful skill when you lock your keys in your trunk or if you’re in the Audubon Zoo parking lot with Top Cum.

On a completely unrelated note: Can we rename Princess Lay-less to Praise Beerus?

Cum hashing next week as Wax on Whacks off and Just Aaron lay a shitty trail through Mid-City. That is, if Just Aaron doesn’t call me up saying he just agrees to shit while drunk and can’t follow through while sober again.

Everything Butt Sex

Things to know:

  • Fill Me Up has 3 Voodoo Robes left from the Anal Cumming together. They are $20.
  • Yes. For the fucking 100th time Pastor is back.
  • September 18th is Gulf Coast H3 500th hash. (Mobile, AL) http://gch3.org/wordpress/?page_id=92
  • October 1-3 is the Texas Crab Hash http://www.texascrabhash.com/
  • Let me know if you are interested in being a song Mister or Mistress
  • Same goes for writing Hash Trash
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