Holy Mattress Monkey, Batman! Another VooDoo Wedding!
The last wedding hash wasn’t but a few months ago, so grab your best running formalwear, and head uptown this week for Tighter Twat and Show Me Your Posse’s wedding hash.
Remember, this is TT, so shiggy socks are usually a good thing to wear.
Theme: It’s a wedding. Put on your good wifebeater.
Hares: Tighter Twat and Sow Me Your Posse
Start: Dublin St & Hampson St
Time: 6:30 show / 7:00pm GO!
Pre-lube: Madigan’s
Bring $1, a six pack, a flashlight, and a whistle. If you’re a putz and don’t bring beer then why are you even coming? If you don’t bring beer, then you pay $10 and you GET NO BEER!