Double your Dickie, double your fun!

Cant get enough Dickie? This is the ONLY proven way to get twice as much Dickie as a normal Voodoo hash! Guys, she will love you once you show her how much more Dickie there is to offer. Girls, imagine the fun you and your man will have with the that extra Dickie hanging around. The secret? BEER!!! Beer works every time when trying to get a Dickie to show up somewhere. So strap on those nasty old hash shoes for jazzfest and make your way out the main gate to Cock-a’s house behind the seahorse lounge for some bigger, badder, hugegantic Dickie action. Trail length will be based on sobriety of participants.
Some results not proven in humans. Please consult your physician if you are on trail for more than 4 hours.
Theme: Dickies
Hares: Dickie Wong and No Dickie No Cummie
Start: 1659 N dupre, New Orleans, LA
Time: After Jazzfest / 7ish
Pre-lube: Jazzfest
Parking is going to be a bitch, so the later you show up the better off you are. the last band is scheduled to finish around 7. Bring $1, a six pack, a flashlight, and a whistle. If you’re a putz and don’t bring beer then why are you even coming? If you don’t bring beer, then you pay $10 and you GET NO BEER!