Now, let’s be honest. Who doesn’t love a little T+A? Or should I say, who doesn’t love a LOT of T + A?
This week’s hash is hared by a virgin lay (Just Nick) and and overall mess (One Eyed Jackoff), so let me give you a little bit of advice:
Remember last week? BRING A WHISTLE AND A FLASHLIGHT! You’ll probably need it.
Hares: Just Nick (virgin lay), and One eyed jack off (not sure if he’s hared before or not)
Start: Southport Hall 200 Monticello Ave. Jefferson, LA 70121
Theme: Tits and Ass
As always, bring $1 and a 6-pack, $6 if you suck and don’t bring any beer. And don’t be the 1% that doesn’t bring your flashlight and a whistle!
tonsils and adenoids?
A message from One-Eyed Jack-Off to all members of VooDooHHH on HashSpace!
It is imperative that you bring your brightest flashlight and shiggy shoes and socks tonight. Entire trail you can keep your shoes dry if you pay attention and will be 3.57 miles if you manage to stay on trail.
כּכּ & ⱷ photo backdrop on trail. Bring your cameras to take your best T&A photos in front of a massively graffiti’d building with a special T&A checkpoint.
One-Eyed Jack-Off ; ^ ? 8===ᴆ-◦-◦-◦____