Man, just when you thought you’d caught your breath from the non-stop onslaught that was Red Dress Week, here comes Hashoween!* Here’s a quick run-through of what’s going on:
Thursday Oct. 29th: Cemetery Hash!
Hares: Licks ‘Em Young and Just Jarvis. Regular hash “rules” ($1 + 6-pack). Meet at Rosedale Dr. and City Park Avenue at 6:30, hares off at 7. Park on City Park Ave. – not in Delgado’s parking lot.
Saturday Oct. 31st (Halloween): 2nd Anal Costume Pub Crawl
“Hared” by Tidy Bowl Man, Montana Boy Toy and Just Kim. Meet up at Molly’s at the Market at 5. This isn’t so much a hash, as a parade. A GODDAMNED PARADE IN OCTOBER! Do we need a reason? Hell No! NOH3 will be there, and accepting $5 for keg-on-wheels access. Make sure you bring plenty of cash for the planned and unplanned barstops. Remember: No Coolers, No Snack Kitty, No Beertruck to store your crap! No money collected – so no bitching! This is a costumed parade! Tidy Bowl says he might have an award for Best Costume.
Sunday Nov. 1st (Dia de los Muertos): 2nd Anal Black Dress Run!
Hared by Pastor Bait-Her and Tidy Bowl Man. Meet up at 3pm at the neutral ground at Elysian Fields and Chartres – right by the Old New Orleans Rum building (formerly the Schoen FUNeral Home!). Usual hash “rules” ($1, 6-pack), and YOU MUST WEAR A BLACK DRESS! This ain’t no blue tank top run or a comfy sweater run, it’s the VooDoo’s damned Black Dress Run! I will make one exception though – if you haven’t gone home and are still wearing your costume from Halloween night, I will allow that. That is all!
More details to be posted as the events draw closer – this is just more of a heads-up all in one convenient location. Aren’t I just so gorram nice?